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Enabling and encouraging through practical leadership support

What We Do

Sunergos ministry can provide independent, experienced support, advice or training to any project, team, ministry, mission leader or individual. The focus is usually on leadership and management skills and tasks.  Typically you will be involved in ministries such as supporting vulnerable people, mission, outreach, church planting etc.  It doesn't matter how small or large the organisation is, nor how big or small the issues you are facing.

What support is there?

Support can be given around a wide range of leadership and management issues including things like:

Why do ministries fail?

What is leadership?

What is management?

How do you make a vision a reality?

Does strategic planning matter? 

How can we plan for sustainability?


How can trustees be more effective? 

How can you review your ministry?

How can we lead innovation and change well?

How is support given?

The aim is to support and empower  YOU as the leader or manager.  We won’t tell you what to do or solve your problems for you, but we will seek to encourage, train, mentor and enable you to move forward.  Support can include visits, meetings, zoom meetings, email – whatever works best in your situation.  We can simply advise or we can facilitate reviews and action planning for you.   It doesn’t matter where in the world you are based we can still support you.

How do I get support?

If you are facing some difficult leadership or if you want to take your organisation to the next level, we can give you some confidential support. Please get in touch by contacting us below. We can then discuss what your needs are and how we can best help you in a way that works for you and your ministry.

How much does it cost?

We know that some ministries will really struggle to pay for additional support, and so Sunergos does not charge anyone for support provided.  We just ask you to consider donating what you are able towards expenses and time. If a visit is required, all we will ask you to cover is in-country costs.

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Who provides support?

Kate provides the support from Sunergos.  She is an experienced mission leader with over 25 years governance experience and 25 years management experience across a variety of roles in local government.  She holds a Masters degree in Leading innovation and change.  She has lived and worked cross culturally and is enthusiastic about sharing her skills and experience to support you.

About Sunergos

Founded in 2016, Sunergos aims to empower and encourage ministries through practical leadership support, to be more purposeful and effective fulfilling their vision.

What does Sunergos mean?

Sunergos is a Greek word that means 'working together' or 'working alongside'. We chose it as it reflects some of our core values: empowering, being supportive and collaborative. We want to help and support not direct and instruct.  We want to enable, not create dependency.


Get Involved

Donating Money
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Help Us Make a Difference

Sunergos relies on donations in order to fund the support given to organisations. Without these donations, we will not be able to keep helping the range of groups that have benefitted from Sunergos so far, both in the UK and overseas. If you are interested in supporting Sungergos, you can donate monthly or give a one off donation.

Volunteer Your Time

Change a Life

Are you looking to support Sunergos? We’d love to receive your help, and so will the community we provide for. Contact us to learn about volunteering opportunities. However you are able to help, it will greatly help us.


Support Us

We really appreciate your prayers for the work we do. You can sign up for regular news via email or being part of a Whatsapp group. If this is something you are interested in, please get in touch via the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Community Service

Potential users of Sunergos are welcome to obtain a  reference from other groups who have worked with Sunergos, or from the Accountability group. Simply use the contact form below.


"I learnt a lot, great facilitator"

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Primary financial accountability is provided by Stewardship, via whom all financial contributions should be made.

There is also an accountability group of 5 volunteers who meet at least 4 times a year and  who receive reports on a monthly basis.  Their role is to challenge, support and advise.  They are: Julie, Rachel, Adeoluwa, Ben and David. You can contact them via Rachel at:


Contact Us

Get in touch if you would like to know about support from Sunergos for your ministry.

Thanks for submitting!



(+44) 7717472347

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